
Organized by

Tournament completed! Post an announcement to share updates to your community.


PLEASE NOTE: This tournament requires a check-in half an hour before it starts! You MUST check in on this page to be able to play! Once you joined the channel SCVRush in game, please let a staff member know you are there! The brackets are just a suggestion, they are NOT final until the tournament starts!

Here is a list of the most important rules that you need to know about.

1. The first map of a series will be shown at the top of the bracket, once you have played on this map, the winner will ban a map and the loser will pick the next from the remaining maps.

2. We cast both Semi-finals of every tournament, so unless an admin tells you otherwise, please wait to be streamed when you reach the final four.

3. You are permitted to switch races between rounds, but not between matches in a series.

Additional information for this tournament:

  • Your casters: 

  • Your admin: 

  • The stream: SCVRush

  • Starting time: 7pm CEST/6pm BST/1pm EDT/10am PDT

  • Meeting place: chat channel SCVRush on Starcraft EU Server (type /join SCVRush into the chat bar)

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third







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