Welcome to the SCVRush Platinum & Diamond tournament # 151
Additional tournament information:
Your casters: Hartless & VampyWorm
Admin: Revelations
Starting time: 8pm EST/5pm PDT/1am BST/2am CET
Meeting place: SCVRush Group on Starcraft NA Server (click on the group button in the bottom right when on the main screen in-game, then type ScvRush into the search bar, then double click on the group to join the chat)
Starting maps:
Finals (Bo3): TBD
Semi finals (Bo3): TBD
Quarter finals (Bo1): TBD
Round of 16 (Bo1): TBD
Round of 32 (Bo1): TBD
Round of 64 (Bo1): TBD
* Players should construct Challonge name with their NA character name and NA Character code (I.e Cyberwizard.123)
* Be in the ScvRush chat group on NA 15 minutes prior to tournament starts
* You must have 10 Valid Ranked games within the last 10 days on the Server you are playing the tournament on.
* You may not have qualified 2 ranks higher than the highest rank in the tournament within the last 3 seasons
Please check
here for the overall tournament rules!
PLEASE NOTE: This tournament requires a check in half an hour before it starts!
All players who are not checked in will be removed from the bracket and the bracket will be re-shuffled upon starting the tournament
and once the tournament starts the Admins cannot add you to the tournament
To sign up after check-in has begun please use the following link:http://scvrush.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/MKwb2hBNnD